6 months - Happy Half Birthday

Unlike your big brother you did not enjoy the pre-Christmas photo session but seemed to enjoy being our little Rock Star. And baby you are!
So little guy, you're 6 months old today (as of 8.23am). Daddy and I were supposed to go to a wedding today, but your Nana, my Mum, was ill and couldn't babysit. Daddy went alone (and slightly miffed because it means he has to control how much he drinks!) so it's just me and you boyos tonight.
This month you've become extremely mobile. You've been rolling a little but during the last month you've gone hell for leather and can move from one end of the room to the other in the time it takes me to make a cuppa. You tend to roll more from back to front but go can the other way around too. You also employ one of your brother's techniques from his infancy. You arch your back and push on your legs propelling you quite a distance. Changing your nappy has become a challenge unless you have a toy to occupy you.
You are a bit unsettled at night though. You can wake up anytime between 12 - 4am demanding, and I mean DEMANDING a fed. Nothing else will satisfy you. Because of this I started you on solids a little over a week ago thinking you are not getting enough during the day. Your brother used to fully drain his bottles, you on the other hand always leave some, sometimes half. The solids don't seem to have altered your night waking though. You do love the rice cereal but you are a bit luke warm on apple. You had pear for the first time today and seemed to enjoy it. Pumpkin will be next on the menu, I just have to cook it! So little one, how about trying for an all nighter sometime soon huh? Your poor old Mummy would appreciate it.
On Tuesday you had your 6 month check up at the Maternal and Child Care centre and are a little under the 50th percentile for weight. Your brother was a good couple of kilos bigger than you at the same age. For some reason I thought feeding would go the same way as it did with your brother but of course you are both individuals. So you are a littler bundle than your big brother. You also have a lot less hair than he did at the same age with even bluer eyes and lighter hair colouring, but I do see a lot of similarities too, especially in your mannerisms. I have the distinct feeling that you are going to be as big a monkey as he is at his age!
You celebrated your first Christmas this last month too! You didn't seem to really understand what was going on, nor able to enjoy the massively large bounty we seem to indulge in year, but you did enjoy the pretty lights on the Christmas tree. You also scored big present wise. We need to build another house just to store all the toys that seem to be multiplying.
Giggling has become a favourite pasttime of yours and anyone who pays you the slightest bit of attention is able to elicit a gorgeous belly laugh. That sound Darling, and the sound of your brother's laughter is sweeter music than a whole choir of heavenly angels. It still melts my heart to hear it.
Well Mum is getting tired so may just go and veg in front of the telly even though there is nothing decent to watch despite the fact that we have subscription television.
I love you bunny boy more and more each day. Stay the sweetypie that you are.
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