20 Months

Today my darling JA you turn 20 months old. Is it really only four short months away until you turn two? Didn't we just celebrate your first birthday which was a shock within itself?
This month you started child care, you've only attended three days so far. Days one and two went beautifully but you broke my heart on day three by crying as I was leaving. Thankfully you settled down eventually but I really had to will my legs to carry me out. We hope that all is well by the time I return to parttime work on the 15th of this month.
You are very protective of your baby bruffa aka brother. You tolerate other grown up type people handling him but heaven protect the child that dares venture near your younger sibling. Hell hath no fury and all that.
2004, the year in which you were born, was the year of the monkey and boy howdy are you ever. Ain't no piece of furniture, playground equipment or park high enough to keep you from climbing. Our shelves, even those well above your reach, are now devoid of any articles but packed away for their safekeeping. Although many a CD and DVD has given it's life to your curious explorations prior to the evacuation.
Your language continues to grow and now you are putting a couple of words together. For example, you say "Bye Daddy" to your father as he leaves for work now instead of just "bye bye". There is still some difficultly (and frustration) on your part though when you talk your "Sim" talk and try desperately to communicate something to your parents but aren't understood. How annoying for you. YOU know what you are saying, why don't your confused Mum and Dad?
This weekend the family unit went to your Nana and Pop's holiday house with the notion of relaxing. What an exercise in futility that was! Even though we attempted to baby proof the tiny house as much as we could, you spent the whole time emptying the kitchen cupboards, opening the fridge and destroying the bedroom with the broken door handle. Needless to say we left far more tired than when we arrived and thus concluded that perhaps we should do our relaxing in our own, baby proofed home. We did go to the beach however, as the photo above shows, and you enjoyed it thoroughly.
JA, you are handsome, smart, sweet and adorable. You and your baby brother are everything to me.
Oh dear, I can smell something. A nappy change is in your future.
BK, we had a party at our house this arvo and some bright spark thought it would be fun to give JA his first taste of Coca Cola, half an hour before his bedtime.
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