22 Months

Here's you getting into the Christmas spirit. Mummy tried to get some photos of you and 'bubby' dressed in silly outfits (possibly as future blackmail material) but your little brother cottoned on to me. You on the other hand were all too happy to ham it up for the camera.
Mummy's been a bad, bad blogger. She has failed to update her blog for sometime and has made the horrendous error of missing marking the end of your 22nd month of life. This occured 2 days ago on the 4th. When do I stop marking off your monthly milestones? It seems a bit silly to do it after you hit the 2-4! We'll see.
You've taken to climbing out of your cot you cheeky little monkey. You are able to deftly and silently get out of your cot and then proceed to frighten ten years off my life by visiting me in the dead of night. Of course you have to bring your entourage with you. It started off with just your teddy, but Daddy bought you a Woody (Toy Story) from America and Santa brought you an Astro Boy and all three are your must have bed time companions. Looks like it's time for a big boy bed for you little man. We have a bed for you, we just have to buy a bed rail. Do you know how hard this is for your Mum? You are growing up so fast, pretty soon you'll be asking for the car keys and telling me to get lost (or similar!)
You seemed to enjoy Christmas a little more this year and was fascinated by the Christmas tree and the various 'bubbles' hanging off of it. Even though we encased it in a playpen you were still able to strip many ornaments off it. I am still looking for some. Where did you post them? I just know that I will pack them all away, put them up in the hard to reach place they live as they are only accessed once a year, and will find the wayward ornaments.
Santa though was not the highlight of the festive season for you. Your little brother thought visiting Santa was hilarious and his giggling and enjoyment was equally matched by your distress and tears. I didn't subject you to it for long although I had to be in the photo sans makeup and looking rather frumpy. Perhaps future blackmail material for you!
You now say please (peazzz) and thank you (tank oh) spontaneously but you've been introduced to the corner. Your Dad and I have started to employ Super Nanny techniques because, my boy, you are ready to learn what's what.
What else have you been up to this month? Let's see, you've destroyed three books, two DVDs and a CD. Not bad for a months work.
You truly are a monkey little one, but we wouldn't have it any other way.
I love you heaps and heaps and loads and loads.
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