Scary night
Yesterday evening JM was running a temperature. He felt extremely hot to the touch and the thermometer was giving a number of different readings but they were all too high for my liking. I gave him baby panadol, stripped him to his singlet and nappy and took his temperature constantly hoping it would go down. I rang the Maternal and Child Health line and was told by the very lovely nurse that he was OK but to keep an eye on him. He was due a feed but wasn't interested and he seemed to become slightly floppy. My heart lept to my throat. It was 7.30pm and our GP was closed so I went straight to emergency at Sandy hospital, which thankfully is only a five minute drive away. Mr Pants stayed home with JA. (Poor JA - I was told later he was a bit disturbed at the speed of my departure and was asking for Mummy).
On arrival the triage nurse took his temperature and it had gone down significantly. She told me I could go home if I wanted but could stay and see a doctor in a while. I elected to stay just to be sure. We settled down in the waiting room where JM perked up considerably and was charming all the other would be patients. He then took his feed and fell asleep in my arms.
Three hours later and after some rather rough handling by the doctor, he was given the all clear.
It was only a minor incident but it scared the living heck out of me.
I hate it when my boys get sick. It tears my heart apart.
Stay safe little boys. xoxoxoxo
oh, good to hear he was OK. there is nothing worse than high fevers and sick kids. we don't have a car, and our only local GP works 9-5 and not weekends, and it is a 20 min drive to next hospital/docs, so i always live in big fear of my son getting seriously ill. it always seems to happen so suddenly too, doesn't it?
so far, so good though (touch wood)....
ps enjoying reading your site, too!
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