Mrs Pants

Babies, bottles and rock n' roll.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Pregnancy free Christmas

For the last couple of weeks I have been unable to shake the feeling that I may be pregnant again. I have been experiencing certain things that I've only ever felt when I was in the family way. Indigestion, back pain in a certain area, the unrelenting feeling that I am going to throw my guts up, gagging every time I brush my teeth and of course the lack of a visit from Aunt Flo. I've also been plagued by extreme tiredness, but looking after two after two, working parttime and keeping up with the house (or at least trying to), I was not surprised to feel a wee bit fatigued.

Mr Pants expressed a desire for some hot crumpets tonight and I offered to go to the supermarket to purchase some as we also needed some milk, bread oh and possibly a pregnancy test.

It was the first time in my entire life I took a pregnancy test, in the countless number of pregnancy tests I've taken, that I wished it would be negative. Not that I wouldn't welcome another little one. A third (and final) child is definitely on the agenda - just not now. I am not emotionally, financially and physically ready for a third child. I haven't lost the weight from pregnancy #2 (or #1 for that matter). We'd need a bigger car and an extension on our home. I am sure my principal would be extremely pissed off too, considering I have just returned to work.

Anyway, I did the test a little while ago and it is undeniably negative. While I definitely felt instant relief I have to admit a tiny part of me felt a bit sad.

At least I can enjoy a couple of glasses of good red and/or champagne this Christmas. The last two Christmas's's's and New Years I've been pregnant.

But it does beg the question - why am I experiencing all these symptoms?


At 3:07 pm, Blogger Mrs Pants said...

Yike BK,

You would think with all the obsessive reading I did when we were trying to conceive our first I would have considered these!


At 3:08 pm, Blogger Mrs Pants said...

That should be yikeS not yike. I am feeling like 5 kinds of crap today so that's my (feeble) excuse.

At 9:36 am, Blogger StationerEleven said...

Could be the hormones resetting your body to "not pregnant, not lactating, situation normal" mode ... ie. Aunty Flo on the way back. I've had similar symptoms the past few weeks and had the same reactions as you:
a) taking care of a 2 yr 4 month old and 7 month old, and working part-time, is enough to explain it, followed by:
b) oh hell, I might be preggers. I'm not ready for another baby yet, followed by:
c) negative preg test. Phew. followed by:
d) today, af appears.

But I agree with BK as well, if af hasn't show up in a couple weeks and you are still feeling like this, get to a dr for more tests.


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