Back to reality

Here's JA about 2 months ago, so he would have been 17.5 months. He had highjacked his Dad's box as he was trying to pack away the bottles of his recently brewed beer. And where JA goes, so does Teddy.
I am returning to work, 2 days a week, next month. I've been trying to get JA a child care place for months now and have finally found him one. The added bonus is a girl I used to babysit as an infant just started working there. It makes me feel a whole lot better knowing she will be one of the two people in his 'room'. I was feeling 12 different types of worry about this whole child care thing - some of those worries have lessened somewhat now.
His vocab is improving in leaps and bounds. This morning when I got the littliest lad out of bed JA looked at us and said "Mummy and Baby!". Warms the cockles of my heart.
JM will be looked after by my Mum. I can't stand the though of putting both my little babies in child care, and it is too much for her to take care of them both, considering the hurricane with legs that JA is.
JA loves hanging with his people so I know he will enjoy child care.
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