Pregnancy free Christmas
For the last couple of weeks I have been unable to shake the feeling that I may be pregnant again. I have been experiencing certain things that I've only ever felt when I was in the family way. Indigestion, back pain in a certain area, the unrelenting feeling that I am going to throw my guts up, gagging every time I brush my teeth and of course the lack of a visit from Aunt Flo. I've also been plagued by extreme tiredness, but looking after two after two, working parttime and keeping up with the house (or at least trying to), I was not surprised to feel a wee bit fatigued.
Mr Pants expressed a desire for some hot crumpets tonight and I offered to go to the supermarket to purchase some as we also needed some milk, bread oh and possibly a pregnancy test.
It was the first time in my entire life I took a pregnancy test, in the countless number of pregnancy tests I've taken, that I wished it would be negative. Not that I wouldn't welcome another little one. A third (and final) child is definitely on the agenda - just not now. I am not emotionally, financially and physically ready for a third child. I haven't lost the weight from pregnancy #2 (or #1 for that matter). We'd need a bigger car and an extension on our home. I am sure my principal would be extremely pissed off too, considering I have just returned to work.
Anyway, I did the test a little while ago and it is undeniably negative. While I definitely felt instant relief I have to admit a tiny part of me felt a bit sad.
At least I can enjoy a couple of glasses of good red and/or champagne this Christmas. The last two Christmas's's's and New Years I've been pregnant.
But it does beg the question - why am I experiencing all these symptoms?