10.5 Months

Darling boy, Mama has been very slack with updating all your milestones and your general goings on but you've been living in this house and have been witness to the chaos that has prevented me from doing just that!
You are developing and growing at such a great pace that it's hard to catch up. You cut your two bottom teeth the last week of February and have just recently cut your two top teeth, last Monday in fact. Your brother's two top teeth adjacent to the middle ones cut first on the top, making him look like an extra in Buffy. I thought maybe you'd follow suit.
You are now furniture cruising with ease and practicing standing. You first stood independently for a few seconds the Sunday before Anzac day. The last couple of days however it's become a favourite past time. In fact, if I am on the floor with you and your brother you like to use a handful of my hair for a bit of support before you go solo. OUCH!!
Prior to this you've been an expert comando crawler. You like to crawl the good old fashioned way too, but have learned, for you, comando style gets you to your destination a lot faster. You look like one of the Commonwealth games swimmers in aerial view. You are just a pink blur!
I have to sheepishly and selfishly admit I was hoping you would wait a while before you became so mobile as you walking looks so imminent. It's hard keeping up with both of you as it is, with the both of you running around I will know I won't find a moment to catch my breath. As it is now I have to have a bit of a search for you if I leave a room you're in for a minute so see where you have gone. Often it's to another completely different part of the house. Little one you are FAST!
You have a great sense of humour and find so many things delightful and comical. It's a reminder for your Daddy and me that there is great joy in the little things of life.
Both you and your brother are beginning to enjoy more time together and your parents take great pleasure in watching the both of you grow up together. Despite everything that's going on we realise that this time in our lives is one of the best. Watching our beautiful boys grow and develop is an honour that we don't take for granted (most of the time!).
At this very moment you are steadying yourself on my leg, watching me type. You are just so beautiful JM, and sweet and funny.
You are so loved.
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